You need to give credit to the Toei Animators.
It's obvious that you trace, but I'm not holding that against you. What I am holding against you is the fact that you're not giving credit to the original animators nor do you seem to be acknowledging that it's traced. Again, I'm always fine with people tracing (as long as they create their own story, which youre doing), but it is irritating when they pretend like theyre not.
I think a lot of people don't know that you're tracing and that's why they're giving you such high scores. For my personal tastes, I would have preferred a totally different approach to DB/Z because this just seems like a rehash of the series. Voice acting is good and the sound is fine too, although I'm a Japanese fan so I prefer that audio style over FUNimation's style.
Anyway, it's a decent series... I would like it better if you gave credit to the people who's work you are tracing over though. Btw, I've seen this series backward and forward, I could pull out screenshots and compare them if you wanted to and I gaurantee it would show that theyre exact traces (multiple scenes spliced together, but still traced).